Stable Bed Layout & Fitting

Here you’ll find Mayo fitting instructions to help keep your Mayo beds in their best condition for years to come. Further down the page are recommended stable mat layouts for popular sized stables. It is important that our fitting guidelines are followed to secure your guarantee!

Mayo Fitting Instructions

The basic fitting premise of Mayo beds is snug, it is not necessary to seal them or to fix them to the floor. Mayo beds are very easy to cut to size (but they are virtually impossible to wear out…) An allowance must be made around the perimeter of the stable to allow for the expansion that occurs as the beds are worn in (Mayo beds are hardest the day they are laid and soften with use!)  

Do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions at all!

A downloadable PDF guide and video can be found below along with proposed stable layouts

Video Fitting Guide

Download your instructions here

These fitting instructions can be printed out and fit perfectly on an A4 sheet. Or, simply download to your phone and follow when fitting.

If at anytime you require advice please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to help.

Stable Mat Layouts

The layouts shown are a guide on how to best place Mayo beds to keep them in champion condition. We advise staggering the joins of the mats and always lay the longest length across the stable entrance, as shown. Leave a 1″ gap around the perimeter when laying for expansion.

If you need any assistance on how to position your Mayo beds please get in touch and we’ll be happy to send stable layout suggestions over. All Mayo beds can be purchased through the stable mat shop.

10ft x 10ft Layout

10ft x 12ft Layout

12ft x 12ft Layout

12ft x 12ft Layout

12ft x 14ft Layout

12ft x 14ft Layout

12ft x 16ft Layout

14ft x 14ft Layout